What is life coaching?

Life coaching is a partnership between a coach and a client that moves the client forward to become the best version of themselves through the application of motivation, accountability, planning, troubleshooting and support.

what’s the difference between coaching and therapy?

Therapy is focused on bringing people from suffering to baseline. Therapy deals more with behavioral or emotional problems, disruptive situations and works to bring clients towards normal function by healing dysfunction. Another way of saying this is, people’s lives must be working in order to partake in coaching.

Coaching is focused on bringing people from baseline to flourishing. Coaching helps functional people achieve higher goals and achieve excellence while creating their ideal life. The main focus remains on flourishing, and creating the future. Coaching is client led, and the topics and issues the client brings to the conversation sets the context as coaching or therapy.

Why would people who are already successful hire a life coach?

Every human has blind spots.  These are qualities, behaviors and strategies that we formed at a young age that stand in our way of being able to reach our truest success.  When a human has already managed to rise through their lives and accomplish everything on their list, usually there are one or two areas they feel incomplete in or not as successful as they would like to be.  Coaching allows a successful human to identify what small tweaks need to be made in those areas for a more fully satisfying life.  

why does coaching create such rapid change?

The most common theme I hear in my practice is that humans feel they create marked change in comparison to being in therapy years before. Therapy tends to focus on the “problem” and most humans spend years talking through the problems. In coaching, we ask for your top motivating goals. What would you be able to accomplish and how would your life feel if you achieved those goals? Then we get to work focusing on these goals and within weeks most clients start to see small shifts that make great impact all over their lives. No longer focused on the problem, they are in the solution and this creates a higher level of possibility and excitement for most.